Jennifer Leon

Author: CCI Staff

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How did this experience affect your view and attachment to the South Bend/ Elkhart region?
As a part of the Lead Remediation team, meeting some of the residents that our project would be directly affecting made me grow a stronger attachment to the South Bend region. There's just  something so special about personally meeting and connecting with the people your project will be directly affecting.

What was the most rewarding experience in the program?
One of the most rewarding experiences in the program was definitely the connections I formed with so many people in the internship and out in the community. Also, being able to carry out a project that would address an important public health issue was extremely rewarding.

How did your experience in the program enhance your academic and professional goals?
Since I am still in high school, working with the Notre Dame Lead Innovation Team and learning more about lead remediation helped me gain a better perspective on public health. Ultimately, public health became a potential area of study I could see myself wanting to explore further in the future.